
Friends of Feltonfleet

Co-Chairs : Holly Donoghue and Katie Pemberton

Treasurer: Gaynor Ramskill

The Friends are the social and fundraising organisation for the school and a registered charity. We are run by a cohort of enthusiastic Feltonfleet parent volunteers and our membership represents every year group in the school.  Our primary aim is to arrange social activities for parents and for the wider school community. We also run regular ‘Nearly New Uniform’ sales where parents can buy second-hand good condition uniform.  As Feltonfleet parents/guardians you are automatically invited to our events. The Friends provide a great opportunity to meet new people, enjoy evenings out and to be involved in the fun of running events themselves.

Who is on the Committee?

The Friends of Feltonfleet committee consists of at least one volunteer per class. They are known as Class Reps. In addition to this, there is a small Executive Committee consisting of:

  • A Chairperson or Co-Chairs
  • A Treasurer
  • A Secretary

The Committee meets on a regular basis to organise a range of parent-only as well as whole school events throughout the academic year. All Feltonfleet parents are invited and indeed encouraged to support these events by helping out as well as by attending them. Any parent can apply for a position on the Committee and roles typically refresh every one to two years.

What sort of events do the Friends of Feltonfleet organise?

The Rep for your child’s class will be your initial and regular point of contact with the Friends of Feltonfleet. One of their jobs is to keep you updated on forthcoming events and also to arrange for Mums’ coffee mornings,  and parents’ nights out. The Committee also arranges bigger events. Some of these are for the whole family to enjoy and others are just for parents or pupils.

  • Fireworks Spectacular
  • Summer Fayre
  • Charity Quiz Night
  • Parents' Dinner
  • School Discos
  • Charity Summer Ball

What have the Friends of Feltonfleet contributed to the school?

  • Lighting for the new Performing Arts Centre
  • Shooting equipment
  • Pre-Prep outdoor cycle track
  • A two room cricket pavilion
  • A new pavilion for the Astroturf pitch
  • A grand piano
  • A school minibus to transport children to away fixtures
  • A gazebo to provide shelter and play for children in the Pre-Prep
  • An electronic scoreboard for use by the Sports Department


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